What Is TerraBase-Web?

How to Use TerraBase-Web?

TerraBase Inc. is pleased to announce that our premier product has been webenabled. With your internet connection and a web browser, you can run TerraBase from virtually any software/hardware platform. Please review the information below to see if TerraBaseOnline is right for you. Take a tour of our new offices and data center to see how serious we are about securing your data, and serving applications in a high performance reliable environment.

“TerraBaseOnline” is the name TerraBase Inc. coined for the TerraBase ASP system. This system allows you to store your copies of the TerraBase application software and any related databases at a secure internet site easily reached from any PC which has access to the World Wide Web.

Once you have logged into the secured system, you can run TerraBase as though it were installed upon your local computer. After you enter data, you can generate any reports, spreadsheets, map displays, etc. and store them on the web for yourself or other users to view. You can also download these files to your local computer or print them on your own printers and plotters.

Although there are a few security-related features that function somewhat differently within the ASP version of TerraBase (they are detailed within the online Help File), the ASP system is robustly configured to permit “safe and sound” operation of your TerraBase system from anywhere in the world from which you choose to view it.